UncategorizedMatthew RaleyAugust 29, 2015Art Institute of Chicago, early photography, edouard baldus, photographyComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyAugust 29, 2015Art Institute of Chicago, auvergne, early photography, edouard baldus, photographyComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyAugust 29, 2015Art Institute of Chicago, auvergne, early photography, edouard baldus, photographyComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMay 22, 2015church, churches, daguerreotype, early photography, musee d'orsay, paul-michel hossardComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMay 22, 2015church, churches, daguerreotype, early photography, musee d'orsay, paul-michel hossardComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMay 22, 2015church, churches, daguerreotype, early photography, musee d'orsay, paul-michel hossardComment