UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 31, 2015anthony van dyck, art, Christ, drawing, metropolitan museum of artComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 31, 2015art, Christ, collegium vocale gent, crucifixion, js bach, massComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 30, 2015Art Institute of Chicago, Christ, etching, jacques callot, JesusComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 30, 2015credo, js bach, mass, video, vimeo, washington bach consortComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 28, 2015francis poulenc, ingolfsson-stoupel duo, piano, video, vimeo, violinComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 27, 2015marino marini, metropolitan museum of art, samuel barber, sculptureComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 27, 2015metropolitan museum of art, photography, samuel barber, Walker EvansComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 27, 2015dania el zein, frederic rubay, h paul moon, samuel barber, song, soprano, video, vimeoComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 26, 2015alexandre calame, alps, art, Art Institute of Chicago, lithographComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 26, 2015christian mulhauser, cycling, matterhorn, night, video, vimeo, winterComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 25, 2015art, Art Institute of Chicago, lithograph, london, thomas shotter boysComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 25, 2015art, london, metropolitan museum of art, painting, samuel scottComment