UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 24, 2015art, johannes vermeer, lute, metropolitan museum of art, paintingComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 24, 2015lute, metropolitan museum of art, musical instruments, pietro railichComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 24, 2015art, Caravaggio, lute, metropolitan museum of art, paintingComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 24, 2015david taylor, john dowland, lute, phoebe jevoivic rosquist, song, sopranoComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 21, 2015art, drawing, gustav klimt, metropolitan museum of artComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 21, 2015anton webern, faust quartet, string quartet, video, vimeoComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 20, 2015Christ, frederick j brown, metropolitan museum of art, paintingComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 20, 2015battista di biagio sanguini, Christ, getty museum, lorenzo monaco, manuscript, zanobi di benedetto strozziComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 20, 2015Christ, engraving, national gallery, sebastien le clercComment
UncategorizedMatthew RaleyMarch 19, 2015adam fuss, metropolitan museum of art, photography, waterComment